Should I Get Sisterlocks? From Initial Costs to Reties & More

LovingkinkycurlsLocs2 Comments

Should I get Sisterlocks

Should I get sisterlocks? This is a question I asked myself countless times before I eventually decided to have my locs late in 2021.

Let me start by saying that my experience with Sisterlocks has been incredibly rewarding. While I do occasionally miss the versatility of my natural hair and the different styling options it provided, I am equally happy with the freedom that Sisterlocks offer.

Now, let’s dive into the important factors to consider before getting Sisterlocks:

7 Important Factors to Consider Before Getting Sisterlocks

1. Initial Cost

Unlike traditional locs, sisterlocks cost much more to install and maintain. Here are some of the reasons why the cost is relatively higher:  

Expertise –  Sisterlocks require the expertise of a certified Sisterlocks consultant.  These professionals have the knowledge and skills to properly install and maintain sisterlocks. The initial cost covers the time, effort, and expertise invested by the consultant to ensure the best possible results.

Time-consuming installation – The installation process for Sisterlocks is meticulous and time-consuming. The initial cost takes into account the hours spent by the consultant to create uniform, well-sectioned locks. The consultant carefully measures and divides the hair into precise sections, creating a foundation that will determine the quality and longevity of the locks.

Overall, while the initial cost of sisterlocks may seem high, in the long run they offer long-term savings. Compared to lose hair, sisterlocks require minimal maintenance compared to other hairstyles.

They also do not rely on chemical treatments or frequent salon visits, which can incur ongoing costs.

Over time, the investment made during the initial installation pays off as the need for constant upkeep and expensive hair products is significantly reduced.

2. Maintenance

Maintenance cost is an important factor to consider. You should budget for regular maintenance appointments, which usually occur every 4-6 weeks.

The maintenance cost varies depending on your location and the professional you choose. These sessions involve retightening the locks, which can be time-consuming and may incur additional charges.

Time commitment is equally important. Sisterlocks require careful maintenance to prevent frizz and maintain their neat appearance.

The retightening process can take several hours, depending on the length and thickness of your hair. I take about 2.5 to 3 hrs for my reties and this includes deep conditioning. My loctician is very fast but this may not be typical for all professionals.

You can follow my Sisterlocks journey to see how my locs have beautifully transformed.

3. Commitment

Sisterlocks are a long-term commitment. Once you have sisterlocks, they generally cannot be undone without cutting off the hair. Therefore, it’s important to be certain about your decision before starting the locking process.

Unlike other hairstyles, Sisterlocks demand regular maintenance appointments, typically every six to eight weeks, to retighten and maintain the integrity of the locks. This commitment ensures that your locks remain neat and uniform, preventing them from unraveling or losing their shape.

Committing to Sisterlocks is not just a physical dedication, but also an emotional one. It is a decision to embrace the natural beauty of your hair and the journey of self-discovery that comes with it.

Take the time to envision yourself with sisterlocks and consider how they align with your personal style and long-term goals.

4. Styling

should I get sisterlocks

While sisterlocks offer versatility in terms of styling, it is important to consider that they are primarily worn in their locked form.

While you can enjoy various updos, braids, and twists, achieving certain loose natural hair styles may require more effort and creativity. Nevertheless, sisterlocks still provide a range of styling options within the locked form.

5. Your Lifestyle

Evaluate how sisterlocks will fit into your lifestyle. Consider your activity level, exercise routines, and any specific requirements for your profession. Sisterlocks require a certain level of care and may need adjustments in your daily hair care routine. Ensure that sisterlocks can comfortably accommodate your lifestyle needs.

6. Hair Type

Sisterlocks are well-suited for those with textured or tightly coiled hair. If you have naturally curly or kinky hair, sisterlocks can enhance your natural texture and provide a unique and stylish look. However, it is still advisable to consult with a professional stylist to assess your hair type and its compatibility with sisterlocks.

7. Professional Considerations

While natural hairstyles, including sisterlocks, are gaining acceptance in many professional settings, it’s important to be aware of any potential biases or restrictions that may exist. Consider your occupation or industry and how sisterlocks may be perceived. Research any relevant policies or dress code requirements to ensure sisterlocks align with your professional image.

Additionally, consider the advantages and the disadvantages of sisterlocks

Benefits of Sisterlocks

1. Low Manipulation

Sisterlocks require minimal daily styling and manipulation, reducing potential hair damage and breakage.

2. Relative Styling Versatility

Despite their locked form, sisterlocks offer a variety of styling options, including updos, braids, twists, and creative accessories. This is in comparison to traditional locs.

3. Length Retention

Sisterlocks allow for the retention of natural hair texture, promoting healthy growth and minimizing the need for chemical processing.

4. Ease of management

Sisterlocks are generally easier to manage compared to loose natural hair, as they are structured and require less detangling.

Cons of Sisterlocks

It is important to take note of the potential drawbacks of sisterlocks, including:

1. High Initial Cost

The installation of sisterlocks can be more expensive compared to some other hairstyles due to the time and skill required by the stylist.

2. Frequent Reties

Regular retightening appointments and a specific hair care routine are necessary to keep sisterlocks in optimal condition, which may require additional time and effort.

3. Limited Styling Options

While sisterlocks offer versatility within their locked form, achieving certain loose natural hair styles may be more challenging.

4. Not Easily Undone

Sisterlocks are a long-term commitment, and removing them without cutting the hair is generally not possible. Ensure you are ready for this commitment before starting the process.

Final Thoughts;

Deciding whether to get sisterlocks is a personal journey that requires careful consideration of the factors outlined in this article.

Ultimately, whether you choose to embrace sisterlocks or explore other hair styling options, what matters most is finding a hairstyle that makes you feel confident, beautiful, and true to yourself.

2 Comments on “Should I Get Sisterlocks? From Initial Costs to Reties & More”

  1. The information was very helpful. It appears that installing Sisterlocs does not have the option of extension, beyond the length of the person’s hair. Whereas with Microlocs you can add some length. Thank you.

    1. That’s right, although these days there are people who actually are going through the trouble of trying out sisterlock extensions but I would imagine you would not have the uniqueness of your natural hair.

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